We fish in various ways, depending on what you wish to target, your level of experience and your preferred style of fishing.
If you are strictly after Blue Marlin, we prefer to bait and switch, as it results in better hook up rates compared to lures. We will troll a spread of hookless teasers and two dredges, then pitch a dead bait to the Marlin. As the fish are teased close to the boat, it is a very exciting method and requires more skill than straight lure fishing. It’s also more of a team effort getting those aboard involved, rather than just pulling lures and waiting for the fish to hook itself.
Pulling lures is a better option for less experienced anglers, covers a bit more ground and also means you might catch other species like tuna and Dorado, but it’s definitely not the most efficient way to target Sailfish.
When strictly after sailfish we fish a spread of ballyhoo and teasers and 2 dredges.
If you wish to target both Sailfish and Marlin, then we will run a mixed spread of teasers to raise Marlin and Sailfish, using ballyhoo for the Sailfish and a bigger pitch bait for the Marlin.
For light tackle records for Billfish, bait and switch is the only way to go.
For clients who wish to pursue Sailfish and Dorado on the fly we are set up to do this too. Fly fishing for Sailfish is really exciting stuff, as the sails are teased right up to the boat, before casting the fly. Dorado can be teased into the spread but most often they are located around floating objects like weed patches, pallets and bits of wood.
If you are strictly after Blue Marlin, we prefer to bait and switch, as it results in better hook up rates compared to lures. We will troll a spread of hookless teasers and two dredges, then pitch a dead bait to the Marlin. As the fish are teased close to the boat, it is a very exciting method and requires more skill than straight lure fishing. It’s also more of a team effort getting those aboard involved, rather than just pulling lures and waiting for the fish to hook itself.
Pulling lures is a better option for less experienced anglers, covers a bit more ground and also means you might catch other species like tuna and Dorado, but it’s definitely not the most efficient way to target Sailfish.
When strictly after sailfish we fish a spread of ballyhoo and teasers and 2 dredges.
If you wish to target both Sailfish and Marlin, then we will run a mixed spread of teasers to raise Marlin and Sailfish, using ballyhoo for the Sailfish and a bigger pitch bait for the Marlin.
For light tackle records for Billfish, bait and switch is the only way to go.
For clients who wish to pursue Sailfish and Dorado on the fly we are set up to do this too. Fly fishing for Sailfish is really exciting stuff, as the sails are teased right up to the boat, before casting the fly. Dorado can be teased into the spread but most often they are located around floating objects like weed patches, pallets and bits of wood.