Yellow Fever Vaccination
All visitors to Angola require a yellow fever vaccination and a valid vaccination card showing this. It's a necessity when entering the country and the card will be checked at the airport and the airline may ask to see it at check-in for your flight. Failure to produce a valid vaccination certificate could result in you being denied boarding or entry into Angola.
Medical Insurance
To fish with us, we require all visitors from abroad to have comprehensive medical insurance, including evacuation cover and to provide us with a copy of this prior to travel. We will not accept travellers without this cover. Angolan medical services are not reliable. Anyone can unexpectedly become ill and require medical attention or even evacuation, in most cases to Johannesburg, which is considered the nearest place of “medical excellence” to Angola. However, the costs involved are prohibitively expensive without medical insurance cover. We must stress that we cannot and will not be held responsible for any costs relating to evacuation and medical treatment. Most good travel insurance policies will cover your requirements.
Unfortunately, Malaria is a problem in Angola and we highly recommend that anyone visiting, take prophylaxis before, during and after your stay, if you have not been exposed to malaria before. When you are outdoors in the early morning, evening and at night, we recommend using a reliable insect repellent on exposed areas and clothing. If it isn't too hot, wearing light long-sleeved clothes sprayed with repellent helps reduce bites. It is also helpful to keep the air conditioning in your room as cool as possible for the time you're spending indoors, as this deters mosquitoes. If your bed has a mosquito net use it. If on your return from your trip you come down with flu like symptoms see a doctor immediately, explaining that you have been in a malaria zone. Delays in diagnosing malaria will only make treatment more difficult. Please don't take the risk!
Note: If you are on prescription medication, be sure to bring a few days extra in the event that there are issues with your return trip.
Like most countries in Africa, you should not drink tap water which although supposedly treated, should not be trusted. Always drink bottled water which is supplied on the boat and readily available in all hotels and restaurants. Ice on the boat is made with treated water and the same in good hotels and restaurants. We recommend avoiding fresh salads in most restaurants - stick to cooked vegetables and hot food in general.
Try to drink a lot of water frequently during the hot season to keep you hydrated.
Sun exposure - please protect yourself from the sun as sunburn can ruin your fishing experience. Cover yourself liberally with highest SPF protection sunblock you can find as early as possible in the day. Many days can be cloudy and this is deceptive as you might not see the sun and think you are safe BUT you will still get seriously burnt through the clouds. We are located close to the equator. Sunburn and dehydration can lead to sunstroke and really spoil your trip and can be avoided by being sensible.
Try to drink a lot of water frequently during the hot season to keep you hydrated.
Sun exposure - please protect yourself from the sun as sunburn can ruin your fishing experience. Cover yourself liberally with highest SPF protection sunblock you can find as early as possible in the day. Many days can be cloudy and this is deceptive as you might not see the sun and think you are safe BUT you will still get seriously burnt through the clouds. We are located close to the equator. Sunburn and dehydration can lead to sunstroke and really spoil your trip and can be avoided by being sensible.